Monday, March 30, 2009

The next NG Seminar is Thursday

APRIL 2, 6-8PM
Room 801 International Affairs Building
420 West 118 St, 8th Floor, Columbia
This event is free and open to the public

Our guest will be Alice Wexler from UCLA, who will talk about genetic disease narratives, using her work on Huntington’s Disease as a case study.

Suggested readings include Alice’s first book, Mapping Fate and an article by Alice, “Chorea and Community in a Nineteenth-Century Town,” that is an early version of part of her second book, The Woman Who Walked into the Sea. This article and other recommended readings, including Nancy Wexler’s article, “Genetic ‘Russian Roulette’: The Experience of being ‘At Risk’ for Huntington’s Disease,” are accessible on the Narrative Genetics Google site (open to the public):
Fore more information:

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